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  • Cod ELKO
Four Wiegand interfaces for up to 4 card readers, network connection to the host system and Compact Flash memory (2 GB)

The AMC2 (Access Modular Controller) is used as an access controller in the access control systems ACE (ACCESS ENGINE) from version 2.0 onward, Access Personal Edition, and Access Professional Edition. The
device controls a group of one to eight access points. These access points, also known as entrances, mainly consist of doors, gates, barriers, turn stiles, revolving doors, mantraps, ID card readers, door opening elements and sensors. The AMC2 can control up to eight ID card readers (depending on the reader type) and is designed for fully processing the access logic at the assigned entrances. Status checks can be carried out using the eight analog inputs. The eight relay outputs are used to activate the door opening elements and/or generate the security activation and signaling. The AMC2 stores all necessary information in a battery-buffered memory and a compact flash storage element so that, even when the unit is offline, it is able to carry out independent authorization checks on access points, take access decisions, control closing/opening elements and register movement events.
  • Operating temperature range
    0°C to +50°C
  • Colour
  • Dimensions
    232 x 90 x 63 mm
  • Shipping box quantity
  • Unit Brutto Volume
  • Unit Net Weight
  • Unit Gross Weight
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